No more control–it’s time for The Restoration

The indispensable Doctor Zero,[*1] John Hayward writes:

Here’s the deal, Democrats: you don’t get any more billions to spend. You don’t get to pick the next group of winners and losers in the free market. You don’t get to decide who “deserves” a tax cut. You don’t get to hand us the invoice for this bloated government and tell us we need to figure out a way to pay for it. You don’t get to blame deficits on the people who haven’t surrendered enough of their livelihood to you. You do not get to insist every piece of this government’s sprawling machinery is indispensable, while every slice of our lives is negotiable.

We own our lives. We own the State. The future is ours to discover. The solutions that will forever evade the political class are already humming through our eager minds. To be controlled is to spend eternity at each other’s throats, for free people must accept their own inferiority before they can accept domination… and they will always prefer to be told someone else is inferior, and deserves domination. The control of a free society requires strategic infusions of sin and condemnation. It also calls for controlling the information free people use to make their decisions, transforming the command economy into an endless con job. The State survives by managing expectations, while free people compete to exceed them.

This is the voice of the people speaking–this is the hard, clear-seeing core of the tea party movement. The plain folks of the United States have had enough. They are boiling mad at their incompetent political “leadership” and their feckless lapdog media enablers who excuse away all of the failures of the Ruling Class, and attack anyone who threatens the statist gravy train that the Media-Government Complex has built.

What the Democrats have done appall many Americans. What the Republicans did before, and have done since, have enraged many of those who naively believed the Republican’s cant recitations of small-government, “conservative” rhetoric.

Rhetoric won’t cut it any more. It is time for action. It is time for a new way.

It is time for a restoration of the true American philosophy: personal responsibility, individual freedom, political liberty, free enterprise, and neighborly kindness. All of those depend on all of the rest of them to work. You weaken one, and you weaken all of the rest of them.

The tea party people understand this. The Republican establishment, the Obama “progressive” Democrats, and the major media still think that those things are independent variables. They’re not.

It’s time for The Restoration.