Catchup Whip, June 7, 2010, Volume 2

Scientists debate: Are recessions good for health? [*1] — Idiot “scientists” . . . and idiot journalists . . . aren’t good for my blood pressure, that’s for sure . . .

The Ideologue [*2]
Big 12 may be on the verge of fracturing[*3]

So You Want To Commit Novel: #2 [*4]

Under Your Skin: The Implants are Coming [*5]

SDSU’s Batten inks four-year deal with Bills [*6]

William Katz: The brightness of the president [*7]

Great news: Hollywood to make Rush Limbaugh biopic [*8]

Pull it Together, Mr. President [*9]

Rasmussen: Toomey takes seven-point lead over Sestak [*10]

Price of Whole Human Genome Sequencing Slashed 60 Percent [*11]

The Annoyances of U.S. Immigration Law[*12]

Cap and bait [*13]

No evidence please, we’re European [*14]

What is the formula for electoral success? [*15]

Helen Thomas: Go home to Europe, Jews [*16]

It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s a Private Rocket! [*17]

Grudge Match: Why Sarah Palin is backing an underdog challenger against a sitting GOP senator. [*18]

Republicans of Obama’s Fantasy World Believe “government has little or no role to play”[*19]

Helen Thomas: Hey, sorry about that whole “Jews out of Palestine” thing [*20]

Marco Rubio: The Real Deal [*21]

White House statement: The Gaza blockade is unsustainable [*22]

Helen Thomas Speaks, and Recants [*23]

Meat, fish protein linked to women’s bowel disease [*24]

The Black Hand [*25]

From all outward signs the ‘international community’ is sleepwalking into a disaster.

Ungrateful Journalists Misquote New Overlords [*26]

Obama Knew From the Beginning That the Oil Would Leak For Months [*27]

Just What We Need [*28]

College-bound freshmen to experience a much different federal student loan program [*29] — This will, of course, be a disaster . . .

Uneasy feeling follows Big 12 into future[*30]

What Are Friends For?… Obama Told Netanyahu “Don’t Come to White House” to Tell Your Side of Flotilla Story [*31]

Runaway Census Cost Is Frightening Preview of True Obamacare Price Tag [*32]

Video: ‘Rachel Corrie’ ship seized [*33] — “. . . if it were up to Israel, there would be no war. If it was up to Hamas and Fatah, there would be no Israel.”

Sestak Scandal Hurting Sestak? [*34]