Today’s message from the Ministry of Truth

Disagreeing with any Democrat idea[*1] ,  is Double-Plus-Ungood[*2] .

Be vigilant, Citizen!  Report all Fishy Ideas to your friendly Ministry of Truth at

It is required and commanded from our leader, Big Brother, that you trust those who are better than you.  They care for you, almost but not quite as much as they care for themselves[*3] .

Update:  Glenn Reynolds[*4] pretty much nails this one:

Do you want your medical care controlled by people who think it’s “Un-American” to criticize them?

They have drastically overrreached. The only options at this point are for the proponents to back down off of their hard-line positions, or escalate the conflict further.  One of those paths is that which responsible statesmen would take.  The other is the path of the tyrant.