Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

What our generation has forgotten is that the system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because the control of the means of production is divided among many people acting independently that nobody has complete power over us, that we as individuals can decide what to do with ourselves.

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 7, 2010

I understand there’s a football game today. However . . .

People think that the Tea Party coalesced out of the political ether when Rick Santilli gave that rant on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade. They’re wrong.

The Tea Party spirit–the spirit of self-government which has made the United States unique among all the nations of the world–didn’t began to revive when Sarah Palin was convinced to run for Wasilla City Council. It did begin to go national when McCain named her as his Vice-Presidential candidate. What happened with Santilli in Chicago last February is that the traditional American value of self-government finally found its voice after decades of disuse, under the oppressive attack of the progressives, the leftists, the socialists. The Fair Deal. The New Deal. The Square Deal. The Great Society. Hope and Change.

Palin isn’t the leader of the Tea Party so much as she is its most prominent current expression. I find it amusing (and a bit distressing) that so many seem concerned that Palin or anyone else is “hijacking” a movement which at its core is the simple re-assertion of the sovereignty of the individual over the state.

If there are few Democrats participating in Tea Parties–if the Tea Party movement does not represent the Democratic Party–it is because the Democratic Party has now utterly rejected the traditional American political philosophy of individual liberty and limited government, for the system of industrial socialism and unlimited government created by 19th Century German political philosophers. (And yes, many Republicans have also basically embraced German socialism, as well.)

So let me be blunt:

If you are for government-provided welfare, you are a socialist.

If you are for government-provided health care, you are a socialist.

If you are for government mandates to “fight global warming” you are a socialist.

If you oppose the Tea Party movement, you are either a socialist, or you simply haven’t thought things through yet.

The lesson of history, over and over and over again, is that socialism does not work It does not produce the “greatest good for the greatest number.” It does not help the “little people.” It does not feed the hungry, it does not clothe the naked, it does not care for the sick. What socialism does do, better than almost any other political system invented by mankind, is corrode and corrupt the human spirit. It corrupts those who aspire to the power socialism gives over their fellow men, and it dispirits those who have no opportunity to exert power, even over their own lives. Socialism is the philosophy of the parasite.

Socialism kills the human spirit. It also, as we have seen around the word, by incompetence or malice, kills people in staggering numbers–by the millions in the 20th Century alone.

If you are a socialist, you have embraced evil, suffering, corruption, and death. You either seek virtue by sacrificing yourself for others, or you seek power by sacrificing others on the altar of your own misguided “wisdom.” You must kill others, or kill yourself. That is what socialism is, at its ugly core.

If you are a socialist, you are a blithering idiot.

Fortunately, blithering idiocy is not forever–it is treatable, it is cureable. The first step towards the cure is to realize that you have a problem. That problem has a name. That name is socialism.
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Colts, I guess. Saints aren’t aminals.
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

Stayin’ at home, makin’ cheese dip for chips, gonna make chicken wings later . . .

Jackrabbits pound UMKC, 76-47 [*1]
No. 1 Kansas rallies to beat Nebraska 75-64 [*2]
Super Bowl flu creates ill will [*3]
South Dakota State dumps UMKC 78-57 [*4]
NCAA tourney changes can’t be fast-tracked [*5]
Kansas plays good enough to beat Nebraska [*6]
Clemente’s 30 points carry Kansas State past Iowa State[*7]
Jackrabbits roll the ‘Roos [*8]
Video review: UMKC doubleheader [*9]
SDSU women win [*10]
SDSU men rout UMKC [*11]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Neil Gaiman Confirms That He’s Written An Upcoming Episode Of Doctor Who [*12]

Science, technology, and space:
Shuttle set for Sunday launch amid space plan shift [*13]
Gonna fly now [*14]

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
The Top Grossing Box-Office Films of All Time (Avatar is NOT #1) [*15]

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
The Story Behind the Hayek-Keynes Rap Video [*16]
One Year From Today, Sarah Palin Will Officially Declare Her Candidacy For President [*17]
Sarah Palin Tonight in Nashville [*18]
Was at a Tea Party When a Birther Rally Broke Out [*19] — Birthers aren’t blithering idiots, as the term is defined around here . . . they are, however, misguided, deluded poor souls who need to get their minds right and figure out what’s really important right now . . .
The State of Sarah’s Union [*20]
Can We Beat the Reagan Odds? [*21]
Sarah Palin was a blithering idiot until she became a devious genius [*22]
Breitbart, Farah argue Birtherism at Tea Party convention [*23]
Maybe the Gipper was the greatest president of the 20th century [*24]
Populist Constitutionalism and the Tea Party [*25]
Accusations of Coyness from Dan Riehl [*26]
Two Republicans [*27]
Sarah Palin is miles ahead of every other politician in America[*28]
Palin at the Tea Party [*29]
Palin’s Nashville Speech Raises Questions [*30]
Sarah Palin has Tea Party, conservatives in palm of her hand [*31]

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
voluntary socialism versus human nature[*32]
The Answer to Socialism [*33]
If only class war had remained a Marxist meme [*34]

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
How Much of the Deficit Did Obama Inherit? [*35]
Obama Can’t Resist – Will Appear on TV Super Bowl Sunday [*36]
Barack Obama: George Bush Is the “Real Outrage” [*37]
But Enough About Me. What Do You Think About Me? [*38]
Geithner says US credit rating safe despite debt [*39]
The Obama Record Is Clear Now… [*40]

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Honey, They Shrunk the Private Sector [*41]
Landrieu’s lament [*42]

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
See Palin, Sarah, Attack Upon

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
The Left’s Meltdown Continues [*43]

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Discussing Citizens United, Free Speech, Congressional Corruption, and More With Bill Moyers and Larry Lessig [*44]
“But that’s what the Left does: indecent, ugly rage” (& the Gipper rose above it) [*45]
First Demoralize [*46]
Troll Dissection 101: Hillary Clinton vs. Sarah Palin Edition [*47]
Fracking the Academic Left [*48]
Obama, Freud, and the American Progressives’ Guilt Trip [*49]
Question: How do we eliminate the word “polarizing” as a weapon used against female candidates? [*50]
My Name Is Legion: The Secretary Of State Project(s) [*51]

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
National Tea Party: Media Calls for a Protest Showdown But Only 4 People Show [*52]
Tea Party welcomes conservative darling Palin [*53] — Negative opinion article masquerading as a news article . . .
AP Publishes AWFUL Hit Piece on Sarah Palin [*54] — And another one . . .
House of Peers [*55]

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
The Times: Top British scientist says IPCC is losing credibility [*56]
IPCC’s “Africagate” blunder as told by Dr. Richard North [*57]
The great global warming collapse [*58]
Even more problems found in IPCC report on AGW [*59]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Liberty, Health Care, and WalMart[*60] — Remember, if you’re a collectivist, Up can in fact be Down, if you want it hard enough . . .

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Frustrated job seekers deciding to call it quits[*61]
And They Still Make Wagon Wheels [*62] — But what about buggy whips?
Don’t mess with Texas [*63] — How to not be blithering idiots: study what Texas does–and doesn’t do . . .

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
“Radical Islam is a Way for the Superfluous Sons to Enter History” [*64]
Iran and Israel: Questions for Michael Oren [*65]
Is Greece Our Future? [*66]
Tiny bubbles [*67]
Lawfare [*68]
Zero rupee note that Indians can slip to corrupt officials who demand bribes [*69]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

The fact that the opportunities open to the poor in a competitive society are much more restricted than those open to the rich does not make it less true that in such a society the poor are much more free than a person commanding much greater material comfort in a different type of society. Although under competition the probability that a man who starts poor will reach great wealth is much smaller than is true of the man who has inherited property, it is not only possible for the former, but the competitive system is the only one where it depends solely on him and not on the favors of the mighty, and where nobody can prevent a man from attempting to achieve this result.

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 6, 2010

(It’s morning somewhere . . . )

I’ve gently re-formatted the Whip, the better to shine a light on the rampant epidemic of blithering idiotry amok upon the world. Yes, those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do.

Other than the fact that I woke up at 11:30 this morning (yeah, sleep is good), I have no comment today.
SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Auklets and penguins: birds use feathers ‘to touch’ [*1]
China dinosaur footprints found in Zhucheng [*2]
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

Drama On The High Seas in New Cruise Ship TV Show [*3]
Delta Museum’s Aircraft History Now Live! [*4]
Allegiant CEO talks about avoiding Southwest, international options and connecting flights [*5]
Why a Six-Hour Flight Now Takes Seven [*6]

Jacks host UMKC in Pork Classic
Midcontinet, Mediacom to air three Jackrabbit games [*7]
The hardest working sport [*8]
Jackrabbits featured by [*9]
Barbecue baron becomes point man on Buck O’Neil center[*10]

Science Fiction and Writing:
Maybe we should be hurting the authors [*11]
Authors Can Be Stupid: Entitlement? Really? [*12]
The 100 Greatest Books of All Time [*13]
Psychohistory: Was Hari Seldon pulling our leg? [*14]

Science, technology, and space:
Men who eat soy may have lower lung cancer risk [*15]
Shake Up On The Way [*16]
NASA webcam airs ‘reality show’ from space [*17]
Toyota’s president apologizes [*18]
Continuing Skepticism About “the Cloud” [*19]
Shuttle set for Sunday launch amid space plan shift [*20]

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
Surprise! Jack in the Box coming back to KC [*21]
Jessica Biel Eats A Chocolate-Covered Cricket [*22] — The girl’s a trooper, you gotta admit. Somebody call Andrew Zimmern . . .

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
The Great Peasant Revolt of 2010 [*23]
Jon Stewart tears the blogosphere a new one! [*24] — Because everyone needs someone off to the side yelling “ARE YOU NUTS?”
WaPo: Hey, a Republican budget plan actually cuts the deficit [*25]
Live From… Nashville? [*26]
Stand Up Notes From Flyover Country: Stewart Vs. O’Reilly [*27]
Boiling Tea [*28] — People are really, really, really angry out here. And they’re looking around for politicians to take that anger out on this November. Gary Johnson’s Our America—the former NM governor’s vision for a truly free country. [*29]
Consumer credit down in Nov. for record 11th month [*30] — Regular people have figured out how to fix the problem–why can’t government? Oh, yeah, we keep electing blithering idiots to run our government. Maybe we should re-think that.
Doubling down: Second Tim Tebow pro-life ad now set to run during Super Bowl [*31] — Do you perceive a difference between saying “Please be a good person” and pointing a gun at someone and saying “Be a good person, or else!”
Rasmussen: “Tea party candidate” would beat Democrat in Texas governor’s race [*32]
Tea Party Palooza, or Lilith Fair For Gadsden Flag Zealots; Got Live Stream If You Want It [*33] — And yes, I own a Gadsden flag, myself, thank you very much . . .
Palin electrifies Salina crowd [*34]
Justice Alito Dissents [*35] — Question: Aren’t Supreme Court Justices supposed to have informed “opinions?” As opposed to the Man Who Would Be King, at least . . .
Kevin Wright: “Thoughts on Salina” [*36]
Alito objected to Obama’s history claim [*37]
Tea Party’s next chapter? Answers unclear [*38]
Erick Erickson Has a Change of Heart at National Tea Party Convention [*39]
Breitbart, Farah argue Birtherism at Tea Party convention [*40] — There’s a word for the Obama birth certificate “controversy”: distraction. Don’t be distracted.

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
Transformational Leadership or Constitutional Statesmanship? [*41]
Top ten free market economists list [*42]
Beyond Hope and Change [*43] — We need Real Hope for Real Change–Change from the century-long dalliance with the idea that government can Make It All Better . . .
Our National Blind Spot [*44]
Why Was Ronald Reagan the Greatest President of the 20th Century? [*45]

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
Budget 2011: Freezing Opportunity – New Budget Means the End of School Choice for Many [*46]
Why is Obama ignoring trustees on future Medicare costs? [*47]
Mini-Bounce Gone; Three New Polls Show Obama Back Under 50 [*48]
Obama: A Wonderful, Spirited Woman Died of Breast Cancer, and, While I Don’t Recall Her Name, I Am Proud to Report She’ll Be Buried in an Obama T-Shirt [*49] — I’m continually amazed that anyone takes this blithering idiot seriously, but somehow, he got elected President . . .
Blanche Lincoln: Please Moderate Your Course So You Don’t Get Endangered Democrats Like Me Booted Out of Office; Obama: FYNQ [*50] — No, Blanche, you can’t stop being a blithering idiot . . .
President Obama Supports Net Neutrality. But Does He Understand It? [*51] — Doubtful. There’s so much that the Boy Emperor does not understand . . .
Video: Obama eulogizes woman buried in Obama t-shirt whose name he can’t remember [*52] . . . starting with simple human decency–and a dash of humility, of which he appears to be utterly devoid . . .
“Bipartisan” White House Super Bowl party to feature … one Republican [*53]
Beach head [*54] — “If the economic crisis deepens and as Obama’s foreign policy mistakes come home to roost with moderately bad consequences the incumbent is likely to be blamed the most, with the entire Washington establishment a close second scapegoat.”
This pretty much covers what we know so far about the vehicular assault on my person [*55] — More on the hit on Jim Treacher . . .
Obama: St. Louis Campaign Supporter Died of Breast Cancer – Says She Couldn’t Afford Exam – But Breast Exams Are Free to Poor in St. Louis (Video) [*56]

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Landrieu to Republicans: Shut up about my Louisiana Purchase [*57]
House Promise to Start Paygo Diet RIght After It Spends This $1.5 Trillion [*58]
Does Joe Biden have trouble reading? [*59] — He certainly has comprehension problems . . .
Franken blasts Obama’s lack of leadership in meeting of Senate Democrats [*60] — Watching the Washington Democrats is a veritable all-you-can-stomach-and-then-have-another-serving-or-ten buffet of blithering idiocy . . .
The Perfect Choice to Oversee an ‘Utter Failure’ [*61] — Yeah, she’s a “Bush holdover.” Who’s running Congress these days?
Senate Diversity Police Need To Question Democrats [*62]
Senate Democrats now living in a 59-41 world on Stimulus II [*63] — The only thing about the “Jobs” bill is that it will destroy private-sector, productive, wealth-creating jobs, and create public-sector, wealth-consuming government jobs.
The United States of Fiscal Folly [*64]

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
“Thank God John McCain lost the election” [*65]
ManBearPig spotted in Capital? Is Global Warming Conference happening? Three feet of snow headed to D.C. [*66]
Michael Steele: “After taxes, a million dollars is not a lot of money” [*67]
Shelby’s Pork History [*68] — Somebody whap the Alabama Senator with a cluestick for me, OK?
A short note on fiscal policy during the Bush years [*69]

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
The New Castle Doctrine [*70]
Funny how these problems keep hitting non-bailout companies. [*71]
Stimulizing: Ohio Spending $1 Million of Stimulus Money on Road Signs to Inform Public They’re Spending Stimulus Money [*72]
In Restraint of Liberty [*73]
Your Neighbor Hearts Socialism [*74]
It Will Be as if the American Founding Never Happened [*75] — How to advance collectivist socialism in schools? Just don’t tell the kiddies that the American Revolution even happened! Genius, North Carolina, Genius!
We Will Not Tolerate Safe, Effective Products [*76]
Readers Who See the World Through their Prejudices [*77] — If people worried more about making themselves “good people,” and less about making other people “good people” (however “good people” is defined), the world would be a far, far better place . . .
Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations [*78]
Louisiana Super Bowl principal: One reason sports fans should not be put in positions of authority [*79]

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
Troll Dissection 101: Illinois Senate Race Example [*80]
Whither Private Property [*81] — If you don’t control your property, is it really your property?
Government jobs are more recession-resistant than those in the private sector[*82] — One reason why Government Is Still The Problem

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
That Didn’t Take Long… ABC Reporter Attacks National Tea Party Convention Leaders During Press Conference (Video) [*83]
Daily Gut Video: Shuster Responds to Red Eye, Robot Responds to Shuster! [*84]
Weisberg: God Bless America? No, God Damn America! [*85]
AP admits Obama sounds contradictory [*86] — A brief moment when reality encroaches on the epic fantasy being lived by the Media . . .
MSNBC Palin-Hater Schultz Will Cover Palin Speech Tonight [*87]
Andrew Breitbart at National Tea Party Convention to Media: “It’s Not Your Business Model That Sucks, It’s You That Sucks” (Video) [*88]
Ron Devito: MSNBC’s Sarah Palin Investigation Reveals Nothing [*89] — Well, not strictly true, although it revealed nothing about Palin . . .

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
An Honest IPCC Scientist Warns His Colleagues: Don’t Dismiss ‘ClimateGate’ [*90]
Flashback to 2007 – SST to plunge again? [*91]
Steyn: Glaciers Aren’t Melting. The IPCC’s Credibility Is. [*92]
Arctic climate changing faster than expected [*93] — See, the problem isn’t “climate change” because it’s changing all the time. The problem is that we don’t really understand how “climate” works in the first place. Certainly not well enough to establish that humans are “responsible for global warming.” Some people don’t like hearing that, though. These, coincidentally, happen to be the same people who think they know better than you how you should run your own life and spend your own money. I do not think that this is a coincidence.
Inconvenient truth in Britain – scepticism on the rise – only 26% believe climate change to be man-made [*94]
Climategate: For IPCC, Writing Is on the Wall … and It’s in Chinese [*95]
Deficit Of Trust – AGW Edition [*96]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
(It still isn’t dead, you know . . .)

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
(It’s still not good, you know . . .)

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
Night of the Living Dead Idea [*97] — The main national security effect of “climate change” is distracting good people from the real, pressing problems we have–among which are terrorism and the intimately related problem of the world’s energy supply in the hands of–er–a fanatically-inclined religion; spendthrift politicians; and the collapse of the ethic of personal responsibility.
Oh, Dear: Australian Censorship Board Demands Porn Contain Only Large-Breasted Women [*98]
A Nation of Racist Dwarfs: Kim Jong-il’s regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought. [*99]
Austraila Hates A-Cups Story Not Really True [*100]
The rain in Spain[*101]
The Iranian Revolution Devours Its Young [*102]

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

The choice open to us is not between a system in which everybody will get what he deserves according to some absolute and universal standard of right, and one where the individual shares are determined partly by accident or good or ill chance, but between a system where it is the will of a few persons that decides who is to get what, and one where it depends at least partly on the ability and enterprise of the people concerned and partly on unforeseeable circumstances. This is no less relevant because in a system of free enterprise chances are not equal, since such a system is necessarily based on private property and (though perhaps not with the same necessity) on inheritance, with the differences in opportunity which these create. There is, indeed, a strong case for reducing this inequality of opportunity as far as congenital differences permit and as it is possible to do so without destroying the impersonal character of the process by which everybody has the right to take his chance and no person’s view about what is right and desirable overrules that of others.

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 5, 2010

I’ve gently re-formatted the Whip, the better to shine a light on the rampant epidemic of blithering idiotry amok upon the world.
In case you’re wondering, “blithering idiotry” has its foundation in 1) believing you know better than someone else how they should run their lives, and 2) acting on that belief, almost always to the ultimate detriment of that other person, not to mention the corruption of your own soul in the process. And it’s everywhere, but nowhere more concentrated than in governments big and small, and those sad, sorry people making up those governments.
It is not a virtue to be generous with somebody else’s money. SECTION TWO: Things That Amuse Me:
Simians and other aminals*:
Camel burger newest “healthy” option on Dubai menu [*1] — Mmmm….camel burger….
Wild sloth killed by small spectacled owl in Panama [*2]
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

Southwest Installing Wireless Internet Fleetwide [*3]
Frontier Airlines to announce new Denver routes today [*4]
Allegiant Air CEO discusses Hawaii, MD-80 fleet
Cruise Diva Selects the Most Romantic Ships at Sea [*6]
Allegiant Air CEO discusses Hawaii, MD-80 fleet [*5]
Frontier Adds Seven New Cities From Denver with One Thing in Common [*7]

LXXXVIII Lines About XLIV Super Bowl [*8]
Cornemann named to academic all-district team [*9]
NCAA tournament expansion still possible [*10]
West Virginia president apologizes for rude fans [*11]
No. 5 Tennessee beats Arkansas 74-57 [*12]
Callahan cracks top-10 in Jackrabbit win [*13]
Chism leads No. 14 Vols past LSU 59-54 [*14]
UMKC snaps losing streak with 58-56 win over North Dakota State[*15]
Video. HD. Yes. [*16]

Science Fiction and Writing:
No SF today. And I’m tired of cutting/pasting.

Science, technology, and space:
Cassini Gets Life Extension to Explore Saturn Until 2017[*17]
Pluto turning brighter and redder, pictures show [*18]
U.S. teens lose interest in blogging: study [*19] — Wheeee! More blogging for meeeeee!
Physicists Prove Teleportation of Energy Is Possible [*20]
Associative memories [*21]
TV’s New Deal: more money, less channels [*22] — I do believe the TV networks are trying to commit suicide . . . or maybe they haven’t heard of that “Internet” thing that seems to be all the rage with the kids these days . . .
In their words: Experts weigh in on Mac vs. PC security [*23]

Miscellany (amusing things not fitting above, or below):
The obligatory “NBC offers racist lunch menu or something” post [*24]
We are all sheep: Avatar, Bayonetta and the hypnosis of low-brow culture [*25] — But are we Demonsheep? It is possible that the author of this had a point. If so, I’m not sure what it was. People who use sentences like “Humans exist as caged subjectivies.” are being willfully obtuse, and easily ignored. But it was a vehicle for a Demonsheep joke, so what the heck?
Washington cities clamp down on bikini baristas [*26] — Could be painful. Or kinky, if you are of a certain . . . um . . .

SECTION THREE: Politics: The neverending battle against blithering idiocy:
People doing potentially good things (including sightings of politicians doing something less than totally idiotic):
The Gitmo Rebellion [*27]
The Tea Party’s Focus: Elections [*28]
Government Cannot Be Cut [*29] — Correctly identifying the problem is the first step in solving it . . .
Chuck DeVore: “Read My Lips: No New Demonsheep” [*30] — and . . . [*31]
RINOs Are F’n’ Awesome: Rasmussen Puts Kirk Up by Six Over Mob’s Juicebox Guy; Has +37 Lead With Indpendents [*32]
In Defense of Mark Kirk [*33] — The perfect is the enemy of the good . . . baby steps, people, baby steps . . .
‘I Don’t Know What Their Motivation Is’ [*34]
With Scott Brown America Chose the Pickup Truck Over the Prius [*35] — The BI Watch for Mr. Senator Brown is about to begin . . .
The Table [*36]
Time: How Republicans Could, If Everything Including the Kirk Race Breaks Their Way, Get to Ten [*37]
A Word About Republican Obstructionism [*38]
Fiorina: I’m So Totally Psyched at Reaction to Demonsheep Ad [*39] — I really don’t know what to do with Demonsheep stories now . . .
Scott Brown Sworn in as GOP’s 41st Senator [*40]
Video: “Too Late to Apologize” [*41]
Fox News: Palin Camp Fires Back at Washington Post [*42]
VIDEO: Hey, King George: It’s Too Late to Apologize! [*43]
Hitler Is Informed About the Demonsheep Campaign Ad [*44] — YouTube video . . .
Are PAC ads running in your area hitting Democrats for wasteful spending and bribes? [*45] — An interesting story–and why giving to PACs is not always a waste of money . . .
How to Get Our Democracy Back: If You Want Change, You Have to Change Congress [*46]
Clarence Thomas loves to hang out with law students “at their joints, with dead animals on the wall, and old tags… and food I can’t eat.” [*47]
Liveblogging National Tea Party Convention – Friday AM [*48]

The cure for blithering idiocy: freedom and individual liberty (yeah, I know–ooh, ick, philosophy!):
My Testimony at House Hearing about Comcast-NBC Deal [*49]
More Literature of Liberty [*50]
“Too Late to Apologize”: Music video as history lesson [*51]
The Center Of American Politics[*52] — and BOTH political parties find themselves to the “left” of the American people — a highly untenable position . . .
Distracted by “Wantingtobelieveism” [*53]
I may be tolerant, but don’t ask me to accomodate savagery-And yes, some people are savages. [*54] — Personally, I prefer “barbarians” . . .
Clarence Thomas on Citizens United, Corporate Speech, and the State of the Union [*55]
Burnt Offering: Common Sense Health Care Solutions From An Everyday American [*56] — Why is the assumption made that the good health of another person is my responsibility? Or yours? Or anybody’s but that person him- or herself?
The Brilliance of That Hayek vs. Keynes Rap [*57]
Austrian Business Cycle Theory and Global Crisis [*58] — The Austrian economists are right. Keynes and pretty much every government official are all wrong.
Wage Earners and Employers [*59] — “It is a myth that there prevails a conflict between the interests of the corporations and firms and those of the people employed by them. In fact, good profits and high real wages go hand in hand.”

The reality of President Obama as a blithering idiot (and he’s the President, so he gets credit, if that’s the word, for the entire Executive Branch):
City still waiting for reimbursement from Obama’s 2008 visit [*60]
Evil Tax Cuts & Humpty Words [*61]
Shocker. Obama Gives Liberal Stump Speech- Takes Shot at Birthers at National Prayer Breakfast (Video) [*62]
Tax-Credit-for-Hire: Another Failed Stimulus Policy in the Pipeline [*63]
Speaking of “echo chambers” [*64]
‘Tough’ Decisions on Spending Include $2.5M on Super Bowl Ad [*65]
Figures. Obama Relies on Jim Crow Law In Opposing Free Speech Ruling [*66]
The Other War That Isn’t Covered by Obama’s Spending Freeze [*67] — The War on Recreational Pharmaceuticals really is money down a rat hole, you know. We tried Prohibition in the ’20’s. Didn’t work then. Doesn’t work now, unless what you’re trying to do is fund organized crime groups. Hmm . . .
All the President’s Budget Assumptions: The 2011 budget contains more rosy scenarios than a romance novel. [*68]
Obama: You can disagree with me without questioning my citizenship [*69] — News flash, sport, I don’t give a damn where you were born . . .
Government Response to Upside-down Faxes [*70]
Obama hints to Dems: If you don’t pass ObamaCare, you deserve to lose the midterms [*71] — It’s not “doubling down,” it’s “all in.” Are YOU all-in for socialism?
Take Responsibility? Moi? [*72] — “One wonders whether the day will ever come when Barack Obama accepts the fact that he is President and has been for a while. . .”
Tougher Standards For Bad Borrowers Who Don’t Exist [*73]
No one is buying Obama junk anymore [*74]
Struck Down: Feds refuse to explain how agent injured Daily Caller writer [*75] — This sounds like a scene out of “24” or maybe “The X-Files.” It leads one to speculate on such fictional accounts as an intentional hit on a fairly harmless gadfly reporter/commentator, and the subsequent coverup . . .
WSJ: Families With $45k AGI Face 41% Marginal Tax Rate Under ObamaCare [*76] — Translated from the Bureaucratese: If your adjusted gross income on your income tax form is more than $41,000, then you will pay 41% of any raise, bonus, or any other increase in your family’s income to the government. If 41% doesn’t make you concerned, or even upset, what percentage would? Why should you give nearly half of every additional dollar you make to the government? If you support “health care reform” then that’s exactly what you’re asking for.
Unemployment drops to 9.7% [*77] — IF you don’t count the hundreds of thousands of people who have simply given up looking for a job . . . there are a lot of people increasingly suspecting that they’re fiddling with the numbers. They’re the government–they have motive, and they have opportunity . . .
Border inspectors to check for risky food, drug imports [*78] — Uh, isn’t that what they’re supposed to be doing?
Politicizing Justice? Obama names DNC member Tim Purdon as a U.S. Attorney [*79]
Jobs, Unemployment And “A Deficit Of Trust” [*80]
The Super-Sized Census Boondoggle [*81]
Team America: Regional Police [*82]
5 Myths About White House Immigration Reform[*83]

The reality of Washington Democrats (and Independents, and Socialists) as blithering idiots:
Democrats balk at $30 billion tax credit for employers [*84] — Tax cuts good, tax credits bad. This could potentially move into “Potentially Good Things,” but we are talking about politicians here, and Democrat ones to boot . . .
“Pay as you go” = Delay as you go; Update: House embraces $14.3 trillion debt ceiling, 217-217 [*85]
Feingold opposes amending Constitution to revive McCain-Feingold [*86] — Proving, I suppose, that blithering idiots can in fact learn . . .
Democrats protect backroom deals [*87]
Government Is The Answer To Economic Prosperity? [*88] — And you thought I was kidding when I said that Democrats, collectivists, and socialists everywhere believe exactly that a while ago?
Democrats double down on backroom deals [*89]
Dems Haunted by Revived Stereotypes [*90] — They are who they’ve always been . . . they’re just not bothering to hide their socialist, totalitarian leanings any more . . .
Do Democrats Lack a Conscience? [*91] — The Democratic Party leadership certainly does. I don’t know for sure about the rank and file . . . some of them appear to. I hope a lot of them do, and will check their consciences often about what their party is doing to their fellow citizens, and to this country . . .
Senate Democrats Upset that Obama did not Wave Magic Wand to Pass Health Care Reform [*92] — It’s bad when the greatest hope of the American People is that the blithering idiocy of their political leadership will save them from that very same blithering idiocy, but there it is . . .

The reality of Washington Republicans as blithering idiots:
This space unintentionally left blank

Other blithering idiots at large making life difficult for regular folks:
Criminalizing Politics [*93]
Baaaaaaad: Worst campaign ad ever [*94] — Demon sheep seem to be slipping into the idiocy category, although some people still think they’re “teh awsome” . . .
Dem candidate in IL has record of domestic violence [*95]
Stay Classy, Dems, Massachusetts Edition [*96]
DC Trawler: Jim Treacher Accident Update [*97]
Shocker: Democrats Want Another Do-Over on Nominee [*98]
The War on Toyota [*99]
Race Baiters and Political Correctness [*100] — There is a large segment of the American population who needs to switch to decaf. Now.
12 Year-Old Hauled From School in Handcuffs For Doodling [*101] — Many of those people who need to switch are in charge of our public schools.

Opposition Research: because blithering idiocy can be dangerous, especially when organized into idiotic groups with idiotic ideologies:
The War Against O’Keefe, Breitbart, et al [*102]
Busted– The Left’s Racist Smear Campaign Against James O’Keefe a Complete Fabrication [*103]
Big Government’s Cronies: The real reason politicians like complicated tax and regulatory schemes [*104]
The Left’s Selective Outrage: When Movies Do and Don’t Influence [*105]
How Unions Work [*106]
Until Tomorrow [*107]
The Great Crash [*108] — Featuring this quote, which hits the bullseye:

I believe collectivist ideology is an offense against liberty, and also a tragically inefficient means of addressing the social problems it professes to care about. A study of history shows that every form of collectivist ideology has grown increasingly vicious, and eventually murderous, as its ruling elite struggle to retain power. There is one other reason I’m opposed to collectivism: it’s doomed to fail.

THAT is why I and so many others oppose what Obama and the Democrats are doing. It is truly a slippery slope, and I think they have fallen off of the lip of reason into the abyss of fantasy–and horror. And I don’t want the rest of us dragged down after them.Liberal Hate Speech — “when liberals rant, it’s called free speech; when conservatives rant, it is hate speech.”
Gallup: Majority of Dems View Socialism Positively [*109]
Taking Insurgents Out of Politics [*110]
Liberals Wouldn’t Have to be So Condescending if The People Who Disagreed With Them Weren’t Such Idiots [*111] — Just goes to show . . . one man’s blithering idiot is another man’s “liberal” . . .

The Keith Olbermann Memorial “Special Comment” on blithering idiots in the Media:
Keith Olbermann knows how to treat the ladies [*112]
MSNBC Echo Chamber: When Leftists ‘Debate’ Movies [*113]
Adios, Olbermann? [*114] — From a certain point of view, it would indeed be sad . . . oh, what am I saying? I would gleefully metaphorically dance on his metaphorical career grave, singing and pausing only to metaphorically water the graveside flowers with my own metaphorical bodily fluids. (What? Too much? You think? Really? Oh, well, OK . . .)
Disgusting Bottom-Feeder Andrew Sullivan Now Pushing Loopy Left-Wing Conspiracy Theory That Gitmo Guards Are Snuffing Terrorists and Faking Suicides [*115]
Media Matters Should Actually Listen To….The Media [*116]
Black Debater From ‘Race and Conservatism’ Event Defends O’Keefe, Slams Blumenthal [*117]
Tea For Two, and Two for Teabagging Yahoo News [*118]
NBC Cafeteria Celebrates Black History Month With Fried Chicken Special (Update)[*119]

SECTION FOUR: Case Studies in Blithering Idiocy
“Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
When You’ve Lost Greenpeace … [*120]
Lord Monckton wows Melbourne [*121]
Telegraph: India to ‘pull out of IPCC’ [*122]
Climate Change Scientific Consensus Cloudy as Ever [*123]
Omitted: The Bright Side of Global Warming–It seems the U.N. IPCC only tabulates the benefits of climate change when they are outweighed by the costs. [*124]
Is This the CRU Whistleblower? [*125]
12 inches of Global Warming [*126] — YouTube video . . .
Credibility is what’s really melting [*127]

Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
Big Tort Means Big Problems for US Health Care [*128]
Has Obamacare Already Won? Existing Government Programs to Take Over Health Care by 2012 [*129] — Obama said it himself–he doesn’t give up, he doesn’t quit. He doesn’t take no for an answer. He knows better than you. Shut up, sit down, and let him run your life.

The Economy (Can the blithering idiots bring down the most productive economy the world has ever seen? Yes, They Can! Will they?):
Donations to Colleges Down 11.9% in 2009 [*130]
Mortgage rates rise above 5 percent — first boost in a month [*131]
NY Fed chief worries about recovery’s strength [*132]

Foreign affairs and National Security (Will blithering idiots get us all killed, or make us all speak Spanish–or Chinese–or Arabic–or all three?):
A Growing Disconnect [*133]
Helping Homeland Security [*134]
Diplomat Whose Name Is Dirty Word in Arabic Rejected as Saudi Ambassador [*135] — See, if you hadn’t scrolled all the way down, you would have missed this, yah?
“China Rising?” The Post Gets It Mostly Right [*136]
Obama Administration Discovers Trade–As Another Great Excuse to Grow Government! [*137]
China “indignant” on U.S. arms sales to Taiwan [*138] — It makes sense to piss off China only if you’re trying to tear the U.S.A. down . . .

The Morning Whip is a (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention, sometimes but not always posted before 11 am Central time in the U. S. of A., unless I just don’t feel like it that day, am out doing something more important or more fun, or I’ve been abducted, detained, arrested, or otherwise flummoxed by the agents of blithering idiotry.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to! (which would be a trademark, but come on, who am I kidding?)

Thought for the day

From The Road To Serfdom, by F. A. Hayek, 1944, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition, 1994, The University of Chicago Press.

The finest opportunity ever given to the world was thrown away because the passion of equality made vain the hope of freedom. — Lord Acton

Excerpted under Fair Use for purposes of non-commercial education, discussion and comment. Any transcription or typographical errors are mine.

Morning Whip, Feb. 4, 2010

A (mostly) daily review of what’s out there that caught my attention.

I surf the Web, so you don’t have to!

Section One: The Word:
An occasional comment, rant, or snark, brought on by the flow of events:
Jonah Goldberg:[*1] Liberal Fascism “is simply useless against zombies, save in bulk. If you dropped a pallet of books on one, it would probably kill it, or at least delay its advance long enough for the double-tap. Obviously, this means people need to start buying it in bulk.”

Who says conservatives don’t have a sense of humor? And, perhaps THIS is why Sarah Palin was buying up all of those copies of her book. Don’t believe that story about owing thousands of copies to donors of her PAC. That’s obviously a smoke-screen. She knows something we don’t. Maybe about sheep.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Watch out for sheep. Especially demon sheep. California demon sheep. I can’t imagine those California dairy cows are very contented right now. Section Two: Things That Amuse Me:
2.1: Simians and other aminals*:
PuppyCam [*2]
Giant Squids Lure California Fishing Enthusiasts [*3] — What goes better together than puppies and squid? I mean really . . .
*Yes, I know it’s “animals,” it’s just that I always found the childhood mispronunciation really, really cute . . .

2.2: Travel:
Airline insecurity story of the day [*4] — I’ll put this under “Travel” because hey! fake U.S. Marshals and their fake prisoners need to travel, too . . . right?
Heat of the moment [*5] — Boeing 787 interior photos . . .
Would You Cruise From New York … in the Winter? [*6]
Does new Delta strategy spell trouble for Cincinnati hub? [*7]

2.3: Sports:
Jackrabbits add 21 for football [*8]
Williams to start at point vs. Arkansas [*9] — Tennessee Lady Vols basketball news . . .
SDSU recruiting video, video, video [*10]
SDSU soccer inks six [*11]
Texas A&M knocks off Missouri 77-74 [*12]
Top-ranked Kansas survives scare at Colorado [*13]
Recruiting wrap [*14]

2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Evolution of the Novel Part 3 [*15]

2.5: Miscellany:
You Gotta Keep the Devil Way Down in a Hole[*16]
Toyota fixes Prius problem as recall hits $2 billion [*17]
CBS sells out of ad time for Super Bowl[*18] — The real reason CBS insisted on running the Tebow ad: they couldn’t afford not to. They weren’t sold out until less than a week before the game . . .
Toyota’s ‘Out-of-Control’ Recall [*19]

2.6: Science, technology, and space:
Fish Oil Might Keep You Sane [*20] — Pass the tuna and salmon, please . . . and an extra helping for the moonbat left and the paranoid right (who, just because they’re paranoid doesn’t mean Obama ISN’T out to get them) . . .
Email accounts at risk from not-so-secret questions [*21]
Study: Cell Phone Bans Don’t Improve Road Safety [*22]
Spiraling Out Of Control [*23]

Section Three: The News, featuring Liberty And Its Enemies:
3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Hidden cloture in reconciliation? [*24] — And, irony of ironies, the more pages a bill is, the easier it’s possible to offer a practically unlimited number of amendments . . .
Scott Brown Demands to Be Seated – State Officials Will Certify His Win Today [*25] — He may be a RINO, but he’s OUR RINO, darnitall!
Question: Can any Democrat win the presidency in 2012? [*26] — Yes, of course. 2012 is a loooooong way away.
Seating Scott Brown [*27]
Brown to Senate: Seat Me, Now [*28]
Tomorrow: Senator Scott Brown to be Sworn In [*29]
Sorry, Wade: James O’Keefe’s Actions Don’t Excuse ACORN [*30] — “You’re a poopy-butt!” isn’t really a very effective response when you’ve been credibly accused of corruption and vote fraud on a massive scale, you know . . .
Hmmmmm: Mitt Romney to Raise Money for John Thune[*31]
Fighting the Nuclear Option [*32] — With the Republicans, the “Nuclear Option” was a tool to get the Democrats to the table and maybe to compromise a bit. For Democrats, it’s to obliterate all opposition and impose their will upon an unwilling country. A slight difference, one of nuance and subtle distinction.
GOP poll: Republican leads by 12 points in race for Obama’s Senate seat? [*33]
JUDD GREGG ERUPTS – Eviscerates Peter Orszag (Video) [*34]
Sarah Palin and the Tea Party: The people’s governor makes a play for the most interesting sector of American politics. [*35]
“We’re Comin’ to Get You”: NY-23 and VA-5 [*36]
Media Insiders Ousted by Citizens United v. FEC [*37]
Fiscal Stimulus is Buying Trouble: Why government spending hasn’t brought the economy around [*38]
Mark Tapscott: Third party is the wrong party for Tea Partiers[*39]
Blogger attacked by Secret Service? [*40]
“Biased” Judge Does the Right Thing [*41]
Obamanomics: 42% said it made things worse, only 11% say better [*42]
Enough With The Idol-Worship Sopfest Already [*43]
There Are Two Kinds of Libertarians… [*44]
Senator Paul Kirk Must Resign His Seat This Morning [*45]
She’s baaack! Sarah Palin launches her next political journey at a Tennessee Tea Party [*46] — “Her fans know they like her and don’t care what she doesn’t know, just as Obama fans don’t care that he counted 57 states, thought Canada has a president and Austrians speak Austrian.”
Tea Partiers Shouldn’t Date the GOP [*47] — This has, to me, the scent of a “concern troll” . . .

3.11: Sheep (in politics):
[*48] Video: The freaky deaky Carly Fiorina “sheep” attack ad
Great Merciful Zeus — you must stop the demon sheep [*49] — OK. The Great California Sheep War. As if California wasn’t weird enough now.
Mister President, We Cannot Afford A Demon Sheep Gap! [*50]
Get Your Own Demon Sheep Merchandise! [*51]
Fun with sheep [*52]
I don’t think this will end well. For anyone. Not even Shawn the Sheep[*53] .

3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Video: Gregg instructs Orszag on TARP [*54]
It Depends On What the Meaning of “Excluded” Is [*55] — Obama’s lobbyist policy is a bad joke, of course . . .
In Their Own Words: Spending Our Way Out of the Recession [*56] — You just have to shake your head . . . then vote their sorry, stupid, economically illiterate asses out this fall . . .
Lincoln presses Obama on party ‘extremes’ at Q and A [*57] — The few true small-d democrats left in the laughably named Democratic Party need to start acting like small-d-democrats and stop cooperating with the totalitarian progressives who hold the reins of the Democratic Party . . .
Obama Lectures GOP – Won’t Allow an “I Win, You Lose” Mentality [*58] — “Do as I say, not as I do. . .”
Obama Sec. LaHood to Toyota Owners: Don’t Drive Your Cars… Wait, Go Ahead & Drive Them (Video) [*59] — . . . Who Are These Guys (the Obama Administration, that is)? . . .
Democratic Governors’ Association Releases Tirade Against Voters [*60]
Ohhhhhh Dearie: GOP Poll Puts Kirk Up Twelve Points Over Mob-Connected Mobbed-Up Mob-Banker Giannoulias [*61]
Updated: Is Geithner’s successor right here in Kansas City? [*62] — Oh, goodie! Another blithering idiot right here in River City? Of course, judging from the KCMO school district and city government, they are in plentiful supply in the City of Fountains . . .
Obama Tells Lawmakers to Stop Reading Blogs, Watching TV [*63] — “Stick your fingers in your ears,” the President continued, “and close your eyes real tight and say la-la-la-la-la until all the bad Tea people just go away” . . .
Special Olympics Un-Accepts Apology [*64]
Did We Just Get Lectured on Fiscal Responsibility By the Guy With the $1.6 Trillion Budget Deficit? [*65]
Europeans “Shattered” by Obama’s Indifference: “Bush Was Not the Problem, Obama Is Not the Solution” [*66]
Blanche Lincoln to Obama: When are we going to push back against the left? [*67] — Is she that stupid? Is she? Well, she is a Senator, so yes, maybe she is . . .
Obama Finally Admits You Can Kiss Your Doctor Good-Bye Under Obamacare (Video) [*68]
Spendaholics Anonymous [*69]
“We’ve got to make sure that our party understands that, like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning, so we can’t be demonizing every bank out there,” Obama said. [*70] — Then STOP DOING IT, you blithering idiot!
I Think It’s Safe to Call a Winner in the Palin-Emanuel Battle (Democrat Party Hack Donna Brazille Effectively Confirms Palin Victory) [*71]
Congressional Democrats are nay-saying Obama’s budget [*72] — No, no, no, people, it’s not “nay,” it’s “bah.” “Nay” is a horsie. “Bah” is sheepish.
“Stunning admission of incompetence” [*73]
When Did the American People Elect Eric Holder Commander in Chief? [*74]
Obama: “Every economist” says I saved or created 2 million jobs [*75] — What. A. TOOL.

3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
No. Seriously. Sheep? Seriously?No Sheeples Here[*76]

3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Do Elections Matter to Democrats? [*77] — If they win, yes. If not then, well, not so much . . .
Project Vote Pillaged The State Of Missouri, And I’ve Had Enough [*78]
Why You Should Know About Craig Becker (and Why You Need to Be Worried) [*79] — Who, you ask? Read the story at the link . . .
Budget 2011: Crushing Dreams for DC Vouchers Students [*80] — Because they care, you know . . .
A Bleary-Eyed Attitude to Alcohol Research [*81] — “It ain’t what people don’t know that’s the problem, it’s what people think they know that just isn’t true . . .
Far-Left Logic: You are a Tax Cheat if the Government Doesn’t Tax You Enough [*82] — If this makes sense to you, then you are a progressive, and no friend of liberty and freedom . . .
Dale Robertson, No Friend of Ours [*83] — There will be a lot more of this sort of thing–either false-flag leftists, or truly twisted, deluded characters who mistake chest-puffery for bravery and confuse anarchy with freedom. They will be vigorously pursued and reported by a thoroughly biased Old Media press.
How to Blame Bush: Lie [*84]
What the Obama Budget Reveals [*85] — “Above all, the 2011 budget reveals just how reckless Obama has become.”
Cheap Natural Gas and Its Democrat Enemies [*86]
The White House’s Illegal Piggy Bank [*87]
Challenging the Rule of Law[*88]

3.5: Media bias–and incompetence:
We Feel Your Pain. Really. We Do. [*89] — Bad Day At Black Rock . . .
BBC Offers the Extended Remix of Obama’s Bitter, Angry Voters Speech [*90] — Oddly enough, we “just plain folks” often ask “Why do news organizations act against the people’s interest” too . . .
Video: MS-NBC cuts away when Obama slams … MS-NBC [*91]
Countdown begins for end of Keith Olbermann’s ‘Countdown’? [*92] — The thing with the photo sizes in the article is pretty funny . . .
Katie Couric and the New Populism [*93]
Meltdown for Keith Olbermann [*94]
The John Edwards Story: The MSM Was First to Know, Last to Tell You [*95]
Sarah Palin’s Fair Weather “Friends” [*96] — “The perfect is the enemy of the good. . .”

b>3.51: The reality of Andrew Sullivan as a blithering idiot:
Andrew Sullivan, *censored*ing Retard [*97] — Yes, Ace that’s another apt description . . . and topical, too (but beware of the ‘Cuda when you say that) . . .
Oh. My. God. [*98] — Yes, that’s another very good reaction to Mr. Sullivan’s idiocy . . .
Andrew Sullivan Acts Retardedly [*99] — Our boy Andy’s gonna get a lot of this . . . but I hear he’s a BIG boy, if you know what I mean, and I know you do . . .

3.6: Fear The ‘Cuda–A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than “Common-sense conservatism” to describe her philosophy:
Conservatives 4 Palin [*100] –Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .

3.7: “Global warming” aka “Climate change” — or should that be “Climate Reform?”:
Magazine Editor and Former Global Warming Alarmist: “I Feel Like I’ve Been Had” [*101]
In 1790, Philly “had a fever”, today, not so much [*102]
Government’s Out-of-Step Agitprop on Global Warming[*103] — It would be kinda funny, if it wasn’t OUR MONEY they were preparing to spend to fix what ain’t broke . . .
The Guardian hounds CRU with new reports [*104]
IPCC fires back – “challenges are without foundation” [*105]
The CFC Ban: Global Warming’s Pilot Episode [*106]
IPCC: International Pack of Climate Crooks [*107]
LBNL on Himalayas: “greenhouse gases alone are not nearly enough to be responsible for the snow melt” [*108]

3.8: Health care “reform” aka health insurance “reform” — or should that be health care “change?” Perhaps “Global healthing?:
The Political Case Against Passing Health Care Reform [*109]

3.9: The Economy:
“You Lie! ” Government May Lose 824,000 Jobs In Revision [*110]
Bloomberg: Govt unemployment figures may be vastly understated due to modeling flaws [*111]
Unsustainable [*112]
20,000 Reasons Not to Hire Someone [*113]
Yuk-Yuk… Obama and Democrats Get Together- Crack Jokes About $1.4 Trillion Deficit (Video) [*114] — That’s a $1,400 Million deficit. That’s an obscenely big number. That requires the retirement of ALL Democrats running this fall.
Government debt concerns weigh on European markets [*115] — What? Debt could be a problem? The devil (sheep) you say!
It’s the regulatory uncertainty, stupid [*116]
Guess what rose “unexpectedly”? [*117] — I think the Democrats will be “unexpectedly” thrown out on their asses this November . . .

3.10: Foreign affairs and National Security:
Why China is Not an Economic Threat to the United States [*118]
Dubai discovers new oil field [*119] — What’s Arabic for “Drill, baby, drill?”