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The 2013 Belize Escapade, September 22-29, 2013

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This isn't a full Journeys journal, just a few photos of our week-long escapade to the Hatchet Caye Resort in Belize. This was a bit of a lark for Snookums and me, plus we had a camera failure . . . the underwater camera I use to take snorkeling pictures crapped out, so the few snorkeling pictures I did take don't really do the snorkeling quality justice.

Plus, it was HOT down there. So I didn't do a lot of wandering around with a camera, taking pictures of the resort, which turned out to be a small island about five miles out in the Caribbean off the coast of Belize. Sorry about that, but here's what we have.

The little airplane that ferried us from the Belize City international airport to the Placencia, Belize airport, the closest one to the Hatchet Caye Resort.

Water taxi in Placencia, Belize.

There was a mixup or miscommunication somewhere, and the resort wasn't expecting us until the day after we were actually scheduled to arrive. Don't ask me how that could possibly have happened.

We did some fishing on the way to the island---that's what we were going to eat there!

Our names aren't on the welcome board. Oh-oh!

The sea turtles were hatching on the island.

Another newly hatched turtle.

A view of the island from the sea. Not much there--a few cabanas and a main building where the restaurant was, mostly.

A posing pelican.

A diving pelican.

Pelican splashdown.

Belize fish.

A beautiful spotted ray, that pretty much lived underneath the deck that they'd built out over the ocean.