Welcome to Medary.com Monday, October 21 2024 @ 10:20 PM CST

Truth, redux

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Oh, my.

Ace. Of Ace of Spades HQ fame.

Ace comments:
I never doubt the equality of the sexes until I read Feminists.

Yeah. I'm there. I'm totally down with the equality of the sexes thing, until I get a snootful of doctrinaire, activist "feminist" rhetoric, which is nothing but tiresome, warmed over politics-of-envy and Marxist dogma (but I repeat myself).

See, that's why Ace is firmly ensconced in the second or third tier of big-time bloggers, and I'm . . . well . . . I post stuff, every once in a while. He's able to pound out a thousand-word-plus post inspired by this nonsense, and I am--significantly more taciturn. Sometimes I think I have an insufficiently disdainful view of my fellow men. And women.

OK, I often think my view of mankind in general is insufficiently disdainful. Hey, what can I say? I'm an optimist . . .