Welcome to Medary.com Monday, October 21 2024 @ 10:20 PM CST


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Watch this.


And watch this too.

You are being lied to. Constantly. Repeatedly. By people who have no honor or shame, and who believe totally that "the ends justify the means."

And the ends they seek are nothing less than re-instituting a sort of 12th-Century feudalism--with themselves as the feudal lords, and you, the "middle class" as the serfs. Of course, this is all for your own good, or so they say.

Slavery is always a good idea if you're the one holding the whip and the end of the chain. Those who wear the shackles and feel the whip on their backs may, at some point, come to have a differing and politically incorrect, non-MSNBC/DNC-approved opinion, however.