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Q: How much ruin is there in a country?

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Adam Smith, the 18th century natural philosopher, once said "there is a lot of ruin in a nation."

Today, we know the answer to the natural follow-up question: How much ruin is there, then, in a nation?

The answer can be seen in Detroit, Michigan.

Detroit is what inevitably happens when "equality" becomes the primary goal of a society, trumping other values such as "the rule of law," "self-improvement," "personal responsibility," and other values less amenable to demagoguery. Exactly the same policies and behaviors of so-called "equality" which bankrupted and shattered the Soviet Union have bankrupted and shattered Detroit.







Wise fools like Paul Krugman and Barack Obama continue to cling to those disastrous policies and behaviors with near-religious fervor. They are after all members of that self-appointed elite who live high on the plunder of the masses while telling you that they're working tirelessly--tirelessly, mind you (between vacations and golf games, that is) on YOUR behalf, so shut up, keep your head down, and pay your "fair share," serf. It's for your own good, and if you were only as smart as we are, you would understand.

My contempt for them, and for those who despite all evidence continue to support them, is almost boundless.