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Morning Whip, Jan. 1, 2010

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TSA...Perpetually Fighting Yesterday's War
FAA: Delta, Northwest can work as single carrier

2009/the 2000's In Review, and year-end lists:
Top Ten Charts of 2009
Nine Big Stories the Mainstream Media Missed in 2009
The Person of the Year was …
Hell has officially frozen over!! Ultra leftist Ed Schultz has given Sarah Palin the "Eddy" Award for 2009!
Most Underreported Stories of 2009
The 30 Most Disturbing Ads of 2009.
Closing Out 2009 with My Own Top 10 List… Top Ten Best Sarah Palin Quotes
My Top 10 Top 10 Lists For 2009 And Predictions For 2010
Predictions 2010
We Don’t Need No Steenking Predictions . . .
Underreported stories of 2009

On explaining and defending human freedom and liberty:
Best of 2009: Tea Party sign of the times
National Conservative Symposium & Tea Party Convention Jan 22nd – 24th
Sarah Palin, Man of the Year
Market Reform as a Spontaneous Order
The Left's Permanent War on the War on Terrorism -- it is not a betrayal of liberty to aggressively defend it against those who would destroy it . . .
My favorite post of 2009: A Modest Proposal, 2009 Edition
Reading the Tea Party Leaves: Will we see a repeat of 1994—or 1964?
Mr. Smith, You're Needed in Washington
A Bucket List for America
The Most Important Three-Year Period in History?
The Philosophy of Strikes
Scott Brown’s Campaign Picks Up Steam- GOP Candidate Sees Explosion in Online Donations

On spotlighting and deconstructing (and occasionally ridiculing) Liberty's enemies:
ObamaCare Corrupt Deal Shows Need to Amend the Speech and Debate Clause
Two Americas: 2009 Version
Best (er, worst) of 2009: Hate mail edition
Rise of the Nanny State: Is There a Political Answer to Every Problem?
Laboratories of Repression: We don’t let the states “experiment” on the First Amendment. Should the Second Amendment receive any less respect?
What's The Matter With Kansas Democrats? Dems Lose Another Top Recruit for Forbidding 2010 Midterms
What ever happened to the "Duke 88"? -- "Vanderbilt's conduct shows that smearing innocent whites is a badge of honor in major precincts of academia."
Death to "mouth peace"!

Foreign affairs:
Obama Administration – Still Trying The Blame Shifting Game
Another Blow to the Radical Left & Team Obama… 58% Want Undie Bomber Waterboarded
Judge throws out Blackwater manslaughter charges
Getting serious

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
More From The “Settled Science” Of Global Warming
NASA -vs- NASA: which temperature anomaly map to believe?
Climate, Caution, and Precaution

The Economy:
2010 Will Be Worse

Wis. attorney general joins fight against carp
Good to Go: Woman's Blood Alcohol Content Tops State Records at .708
Top "Why" AutoSuggestions from Google
Got a pet tarantula? Better protect your eyes

SF and Writing:
A shiny new year for writing.

SDSU men earn big win over Oral Roberts
Jackrabbit women host league home opener Saturday
Jacks end 2009 with 72-70 win over ORU