More liberal understanding and tolerance

Dr. Helen Smith (wife of the redoubtable Instapundit) is a criminal psychologist–she notes a recent journal article[*1] which landed in her mailbox:

Getting back to the current regurgitation article on the same topic,Jost finds in his research that liberals scored higher on openness thanconservatives, what a surprise! “Results revealed that all six of theopenness facets were associated with liberalism rather thanconservatism: openness values (r=-.48), aesthetics (r=-.32), actions(r=-.27), ideas (r=-.24), feelings (r=-.24) and fantasy (r=-.19)” (American Psychologist,October 2006, pg. 663). So liberals are more open to ideas, feelings,and actions than conservatives. Dr.Jost, why not try this hypothesisout in the real world beyond the ivory tower? If you want to find outif liberals are open to new ideas, actions, and feelings, I challengeyou to do the following:

1) Post comments around on variouslefty blogs such as FireDogLake, The Daily Kos or Alicublog. Thesecomments should disagree with the view of the host or view of the blogor diary; for example, state that you support Israel at the Daily Kos,wonder if feminists who are against sexual harrassment should supportBill Clinton at FireDogLake, and/or politely stand up for colleagues atAlicublog who you feel have been treated unfairly just because theydisagree with the views of the host. Now, check back to evaluate scoresfor these paragons of openness for their ideas, actions and feelings.If your comments have been troll-scored by the Kossacks, deleted byJane Hamsher, or ridiculed by whoever runs the Alicublog, give anopenness score of zero. Negative bonus points if you are called a douche[*2] , told to stay in your place so as not to “assail your betters,[*3] ” or have a racial slur[*4] thrown your way.

Yes, the tolerance of the left is truly legendary.  Look no further than Columbia University[*5] , for instance.