Intellectual Diversity: DePaul edition

John Ruberry over at Marathonpundit[*1] has a story, featuring what appears to be administrative censorship of a campus newspaper, stifling of conservative student’s protests, AND Ward Churchill. It doesn’t get much better than that. To top it off, David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine[*2] is in the middle of it. This would be exactly the kind of intellectual argument which a truly liberal university should encourage. Sadly, it does not seem to be so at DePaul.

As a courtesy to John, is pleased to host for him the ad that DePaul wouldn’t run.

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[DePaul][*3] [Ward Churchill][*4] [Illinois][*5] [Chicago][*6] [Academic Freedom][*7] [David Horowitz][*8] [Colorado][*9]