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Morning Whip, Dec. 24, 2009

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They did it! They finally did it! Damn them all to HELL!!!!

Sorry the Whip is so long, and so late today. Damn Congresscritters.

The neverending struggle for liberty:
UK Press Gives Obama an “F” for His Historically Low Approval Rating
Nazis, Commies, and Death Panels
California Bailout – Not Only “No”, But “Hell No”
An Open Letter to Sarah Palin – By Patricia Melton and the Mineral City Coffee Club
USA Today Best Seller List: Going Rogue at #1 for Fifth-Straight Week
Congress back to finding ways to fund ACORN
Lucky for us, an under-performing president
Oh my: McCain working on getting another Democrat to switch?
Red, red meat: Gingrich rallies the base to take back Congress
IRS Has 70% Error Rate in Issuance of Taxpayer ID Numbers, Resulting in Fraudulent Tax Refunds
Lessons from John Galt
Sarah Palin: Democrats Will Awaken Sleeping Giant With Health Care Takeover

Health care "change" (called by some "reform"):
Markets, Not Mandates
A Bill of Goods, Maybe
A Surprise in the Health Care Bill
Obama's Truthiness
The Senate needs Martian gold, unicorns, and alien slaves to make the Healthcare Rationing bill work financially
Could the Senate Bill Eliminate Private Insurance?
It’s time to start over on ObamaCare, says … top House Democrat
Fund: Dems will probably bypass conference committee for ping-pong
Jake Tapper fact-checks Obama assertion on public option campaigning
Beyond the Constitution: The Healthcare Bill Violates the Rule of Law
CBO: You can’t spend the same dollars twice
Justin Raimondo is cool
Palin's Continued Popularity and Relevance
Christmas Back On! Build-A-Bear Surrenders, Pulls Videos
AGW: The Greens’ Tet Offensive
When legerdemain is used to pass an unpopular bill
For Their Next Trick . . .
The Fierce Urgency of February: White House To Put Health Care on Back Burner Until After He Offers Some Glib, Empty Rhetoric About the Economy?
Arrogance, corruption, stupidity
John McCormack from the Weekly Standard Slaps Dave Weigel and Others Over "Death Panels"
Coal for Christmas from the Senate
“Health Care Reform” Passes The Senate, Lady Liberty Passes Out
And, the bottom line:
If You Like Your Health Plan, You Will NOT Be Able to Keep It

Travel and cruising:
Crystal vs. Regent -- On-Board Communication
United, Continental, ANA seek antitrust immunity
NEW Cruise Reviews: Two Antarctica Expeditions
USA TODAY report: Safety of food at airports spotty
Been away from the airport? A lot has changed
Don't Blame the Airlines

"Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
The Climategate Timeline: 30 years visualized
Von Storch op-ed in the WSJ: ‘Climategate reveals a concerted effort to emphasize scientific results useful to a political agenda’
A Cycle of Cathay
Nothing Voluntary About Obamacare’s Mandate
Ping Pong: Dems to Avoid Conference in Favor of (Please Sit Down) Shady Back-Room Deal

The Economy:
The Deficit is Mind Boggling
Tempting the Tipping Point

VIDEO: Peter Jackson talks 'Hobbit'
Blizzard forms in U.S. Midwest, Plains
Holiday Movies
Reward offered after 6 colts killed

Depressing Royals Story of the Day
SDSU men fall to Gophers
Foreign policy:
The ending year
The thrill of victory or the agony of defeat?